Coton Kennel Bonko Blog ✨

꼬똥 드 툴레아의 털 관리에 대해 알아봐요!

Let's learn about Coton de Tulear coat care!

Hello everyone! This is Coton Kennel BONCO, a specialized kennel for Coton de Tulear. Today, we'll be discussing how to care for your Coton's beautiful coat.     As the...

Let's learn about Coton de Tulear coat care!

Hello everyone! This is Coton Kennel BONCO, a specialized kennel for Coton de Tulear. Today, we'll be discussing how to care for your Coton's beautiful coat.     As the...

가장 순하고 착한 강아지 꼬똥 드 툴레아에 대해 알아봅시다.

Let's discover the Coton de Tulear, known for i...

Hello everyone! This is Coton Kennel BONCO, a specialized kennel for Coton de Tulear. Today, I'll be introducing you to the Coton de Tulear, a breed known for its gentle and sweet...

Let's discover the Coton de Tulear, known for i...

Hello everyone! This is Coton Kennel BONCO, a specialized kennel for Coton de Tulear. Today, I'll be introducing you to the Coton de Tulear, a breed known for its gentle and sweet...